Learn the Cheng-style Bagua Elk Horn Knives form -- also called Deer Horn Knives and Mandarin Duck Knives -- with this 2-DVD set that includes 3 1/2 hours of step-by-step instruction.
Sifu Ken Gullette explores the movements and the body mechanics of this beautiful and powerful weapons form, taking you through the entire form with an emphasis on internal body mechanics. You have never seen this type of detail on any other DVD on these weapons. Like empty-hand Bagua forms, the Elk Horn Knives form requires the ground path, peng jin, whole-body movement, silk-reeling energy, Dan T'ien rotation and proper opening and closing of the kua. Internal strength flows through the body when you move properly.
When a Bagua fighter picks up a set of Elk Horn Knives, he is said to have "iron palms."
Disc 1 contains 2 1/2 hours of instruction on the form, with the entire form demonstrated from a front and rear view. Then, Ken starts with the opening movement, "Raise the Sun and Gaze at the Moon," and explains the footwork, the stances, the hand movements and the body mechanics. For each section, Ken gives you solo instruction, then you will learn as you watch Ken practicing with a beginning Elk Horn Knives student. You will practice with them as if you are in a live class, learning as Ken correct's the student's mistakes. It is the next best thing to being in a Bagua class with Ken!
The Elk Horn Knives are Ken's favorite martial weapons for their versatility and their effectiveness against all types of weapons, including swords, broadswords, staffs and sticks. On Disc 2, Ken demonstrates fighting applications for each movement of the form. Ken believes that it is not enough just to learn a weapons form. Unless you understand how a movement is used for fighting, it is impossible to understand the "intent" behind your body mechanics.
Ken has spent more than a dozen years studying and practicing the Elk Horn Knives form, but you are able to take advantage of his knowledge and the time he has spent and cut down on your own development time.
The cost of this 2-disc set is only $24.99, with FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the world. There is a no-hassle Money-Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied for any reason, no questions asked! Check out the video sample below and click on the order button to be taken to our secure order page.
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What One Customer Says About This DVD:
"Just checked out the applications DVD. As a bit of context, my teacher has me going through my tai chi form this year, move by move, and researching / testing out applications for each move. The criteria:
1. Applications have to be very, very close to the form itself. The form is like that for a reason. (So, no generalisation of the form.)
2. Applications need to be simple and intuitive.
3. Applications need to have the flavour of the art.
I have practiced enough (and made a bunch of mistakes) to know your applications DVD fit all the above criteria. You are making me scrutinise my wushu based Bagua forms from an applications point of view. =P
Also, I love the couple of jokes you threw in. I was chuckling at the “nail the monkey” and “buffalo spreads wings” (think this one was an error as opposed to an intentional joke) moves. I was so engrossed that I only knew you were joking a while after, as I was mulling over the names. :)
And I like the honest opinions on what parts of the form you prefer not to use in a practical situation. And the training methods and tips at the end. The feeder of attacks keeping it realistic and reacting, strikes a cord with me. So true in that we will find just a few moves that will cover self defence situations nicely. Looks fun too! Thank you heaps for sharing your knowledge as always." -- Gary
What other customers say about Ken Gullette's DVDs:
"I have never seen my dad so happy watching your DVD. Dad said he has never seen a finer teacher, he tells me you're the first one who explains the movements clearly and why." -- Derek
"I've heard most of what you say on the DVD, but apparently never really understood it as well as through your clear instruction and effective demonstration." -- Bob
"I received the DVD collection today, thank you. They are amazing, when I viewed the clips on the website I knew I had to have them, but I didn't realize their true scope; they are very very detailed. I find they are not only a true wealth of knowledge but they are actually inspirational. I recognize your teachings are deeper than I thought I could go." -- Bart