Happy 9th Birthday to My Online Site for Learning Tai Chi Hsing-I and Bagua
July 04, 2017
Nine years ago today, on July 4, 2008, I opened my website -- www.internalfightingarts.com -- to the public.
Wow, it has really grown.
On the day it opened to public members, there were maybe 100 video lessons on the site and some pdf documents for downloading.
Today, there are more than 800 video lessons covering Chen tai chi, Hsing-I, Bagua, Qigong and more. The video lessons range from 90 seconds to 20 minutes. It is now the video equivalent of more than 66 DVDs, and it is growing every week as I shoot, edit, and put up more instruction.
We have members all over the world. Everyone gets two weeks free to make sure they like it and to make sure it offers what they need. There are no contracts and members can cancel anytime.
The lessons start with the basics of internal body mechanics, including the ground path, peng jin, whole-body movement, silk-reeling energy, opening/closing the kua, Dan T'ien rotation, and it builds from there. Members get to stream any and all of the content from day one -- all information and videos are available even during your first two weeks, when you pay nothing. It is my way of being transparent and honest.
I have spent almost 44 years studying martial arts. I have spent thousands of dollars and I have traveled and worked for a long time. One of the great compliments I get from members is how surprised they are that I hold nothing back. In a world when some instructors keep secrets, I pass along what I know to anyone who can learn from it.
Am I the highest level instructor you will find? No. There are many other instructors in these arts who are at a higher level of skill. But what I know is quality information, and I explain it in a plain-language way that you can understand. What I teach can cut a lot of time off your skill development.
I know for a fact that a lot of internal arts instructors do not teach -- and many of them do not know -- the principles, body mechanics, and applications that I teach. That is why I give new members two weeks free. I am confident that most new members will realize that this is information they have not yet learned.
If you haven't checked out www.internalfightingarts.com, you have nothing to lose by checking it out. You actually have a lot to gain.
Nine years has gone by pretty fast. This is a labor of love. By this time next year, I hope to have 1,000 video lessons on the site. What a great tenth birthday celebration THAT will be!