Chen Taiji Pear Blossom Spear Form - New Instructional DVD on Tai Chi Spear
January 15, 2015
My new DVD offers two hours of detailed instruction in the Chen Taijiquan Pear Blossom Spear form, the Chen family spear form that involves lively stepping, athletic movements and bursts of fajing. I have probably spent more time shooting and producing this video than any other I have done.
The spear is one of the most important traditional weapons. The Chen Taiji Pear Blossom Spear Form can also be performed as a staff form -- it is also called the White Ape Staff form. It contains 72 movements, typically performed at a brisk pace with sharp explosions of power.
As usual, I try to focus on the internal body mechanics that make Taiji such a powerful martial art. It is designed for students who are new to the Chen spear form, but even if you have studied the spear with another teacher, this DVD will hopefully provide you with insights that you may not have been shown.
When you watch different Chen masters doing this form, such as Chen Xiaowang and Chen Zhenglei, you will see differences in many of the movements. But the important thing to remember is that the body mechanics underlying the movements are the same.
You will not mistake my movements for those masters, but I think my best asset as an instructor is to get across some of the important body mechanics in a clear way. And that's what I am aiming at in this DVD.
Here is a clip from the DVD, showing instruction on three or four of the movements. Each of the 72 movements is explored in detail, from different angles, and the entire form is also shown from a front and rear view, at normal speed and in slow motion.
This has been a labor of love. I have been working on this DVD for more than a year. It is an amazing form, and I have tried to present it clearly so that anyone with a little experience can learn the Pear Blossom Spear form.
Here is the shameless plug - if you order this by clicking the button below, you will receive free shipping anywhere in the world. And if you don't like the DVD, send it back for a prompt refund, no questions asked.