Tai Chi Demonstrations Should Be Based on Reality -- But Many Are Based on Fantasy
One of My First Martial Arts Books from 1974 - Karate Kata Heian1 Tekki1

Belief May Be a Powerful Tool in Alternative Medicine - the Placebo Effect

When you study the internal arts as I do, believing in alternative medicine -- acupuncture, herbal medicine, healing hands, etc. -- is part of the culture. Those of us who demand proof and scientific evidence for the effectiveness of such treatments are often met with hostility. I studied acupuncture for two years and other Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is interesting how it works for some pain management issues in one person and doesn't work at all in another.

Belief in alternative medicine theory is a lot like religion. If you question someone's religion and ask for real scientific evidence, the conversation can turn negative very fast.

Now, here is a news report that indicates in some cases, the medicinal truth behind alternative medicine isn't as important as the belief by the patient that it will work.

Read this story from CNN Health.


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