Tai Chi and a Positive Impact on Osteoarthritis - Study from Tufts University
November 06, 2009
You know me -- I believe any activity for adults and seniors that involves movement and flexibility has a tremendous positive impact on bone strength, muscle strength, balance, flexibility, etc. Especially as opposed to being inactive.
And if you read this blog regularly, you know that I wonder why they pick Tai Chi out as an example for these studies.
Here's a report on a new study from Tufts University.
In the new documentary on the Chen Village, one master says they teach foreigners different than Chinese students because foreigners look at Tai Chi as more of a health thing and can't handle the intense training. So I put research like this on my blog for informational purposes, almost under protest, because there's nothing magic about Tai Chi. Someone with osteoarthritis could also probably pretend to play softball and do it in slow-motion and get the same benefit if they're doing the slow and soft "health" version of Tai Chi.